Friday, May 3, 2013

Another False Flag!



Ok my dear Infowarriors out there. As you know as of recent there has been false flag after false flag, but now the Infowar has risen and we are striking back against the almighty New World Order. By the way if this reminds any of you of Hitler's rant against Poland, before he launched WW2 on grounds of a Zionist World Conspiracy, then you are simply wrong. I, the FakeAlexJones declare that we shall once again rise like in 1776, although we were not even born back then.

The answer to 1776 is 1984, pardon me I mean the answer to 1984 is 1776 ...I got that twisted. Huh Huh.
We will dress up in cool wigs and 18th century costumes which we'll be selling through our online store before the shit hits the fan.

So today we're gonna talk about the False Flag Arrest of Reese Witherspoon.
Clearly they used paid actors in that event. I have the documents to prove that Witherspoon appeared in movies before, meaning the government has done it again. They are using paid actors to stage these events and to take away our civil liberties. Our website was most likely hacked today by the CIA so I'm loggin in here. Or maybe Watson changed the password again, it was 'alienreptilian' before, he's goin crazy with the passwords. Anyways I commend you for keeping up the Infobore!

Here is the video proof of the Reese Witherspoon False Flag:
Also notice the termite burning in the background. Unbelievable. You people are too obvious. You are out in the open! We exposed you!

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